Gold's Gym en Paramus

Estados UnidosGold's Gym



🕗 horarios

49, East Midland Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-265-7722
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9495666, Longitude: -74.0673513

comentarios 5

  • Leo Sharp

    Leo Sharp


    Amazing place to work out!

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    Evana Edwards


    Im a member at 24 hour fitnees and I entered this location for the first time because my sister goes to this gym and invited me. The front desk person beth was on the phone and did not acknowledge me at all. I waited there awkwardly for 6 minutes. Someone else came in behind me and after she got off the phone she did not say a word to me she immediately interacted with the person standing behind me. I told her that what she did was rude and that Id be leaving this review and she laughed and told me I can speak to a manager.

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    Vincent Marturano


    Great facility everything you need to get in shape, friendly staff and available personal trainers

  • Peter Kurowski

    Peter Kurowski


    I’ve been going here for over 2 years. This gym is great. The staff is awesome. They always acknowledge and say hello to you. Definitely a comfortable environment.

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    Jasjot Anand


    Horrible. They just keep charging even after the annual membership is canceled and everything was given in writing. After 5 or 6 calls, and after speaking with the gym staff, and after being assured that all the needful has been done to cancel direct deduction, they still keep charging. There's just not enough time to waste on these many phone calls. I'll have to go one more time in person to get their mess sorted. Very upset. This is easy way to make money when you have the payment on auto deduction. They have to up their game a whole lot. Bad business practice. They don't even deserve one star but it won't let me post if there's no rating.

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