Gold's Gym w East Northport

Stany ZjednoczoneGold's Gym



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Larkfield Road, 11731, East Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-757-3377
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.880457, Longitude: -73.325425

komentarze 5

  • en



    Gold's is probably the most expensive gym plan you can get. That being said, the staff is very friendly, there's plenty of machines, free weights, treadmills -- whatever you need. Since classes (i.e. yoga, spinning) are included, and it is very conveniently located for those in the area, I would say it's worth the price. Take advantage of family plans, if you can.

  • en

    Michael Clark


    Went in on a free day pass. Probably the nicest gym I've seen in the area. Lots of equipment on two floors. The woman who gave me the tour was really nice and seemed to know everyone in the gym by name. Wasn't too crowded at the time I went, so had little trouble getting weights or machines I needed. Clientele seemed polite overall and didn't have a problem with waiting a couple of minutes for machines or weights if they had to. Will definitely consider this one when my current gym membership runs out.

  • David Zaffery

    David Zaffery


    Great Gym. The main floor has mostly cardio machines, treadmills, elliptical, stationary bikes, etc, with machines for easy weightlifting. The lower floor is more traditional free-weights. There are several group class areas for aerobics and group HIIT training sessions. The personal trainers I have worked with are excellent.

  • en

    Mike Killoran


    The location is convenient for myself and my family. I have been a member of many gyms over the years and quite honestly, none of those gyms charge an extra amount to use the equipment that is used for the private classes on the main floor. I believe it’s an extra 100$ to do those classes which is a rip off. Not to mention the fact that there still isn’t at least a water filtration on the water fountains. Even a small gym like Big Als in Amityville has that. And not many gyms designate private parking spots for one employee only to use while my pregnant wife has to walk down the block sometimes to find a spot in the snow. For 40$ bucks a month I expect more. On the flip side, nice staff, good to see some equipment upgrades ie new treadmills and the child care staff is great especially Summer and Chloe.

  • en

    Dean Schlanger


    Great gym.... updated equipment.... clean... expanded hours.

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