GoldMine w Spring Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneGoldMine



🕗 godziny otwarcia

15, Allik Way, 10977, Spring Valley, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 855-309-4653
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1421337, Longitude: -74.0286755

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sol Kaufman


    Using goldmine for personal and business credit related services was a great choice. Goldmine "exceeded" our expectations in customer service, knowledgeable stuff, flexibility, and affordability. I highly recommend them!!

  • en

    Yaakov Richter


    I called GoldMine to discuss which credit card to use on my upcoming trip to Israel. Aviva was extremely helpful and patient. She discussed with me my overall credit profile and her knowledge was astonishing! Her professional advice went beyond my trip to Israel. For example, she advised me how to set up automatic billing for my phone bill on my Chase card that offers 5 percent cash back for phone services! I now play my cards right, and I don't do a single move in my credit life before calling GoldMine.

  • en

    Hershy G


    Called in with credit cards & Credit score concerns, Shevey, a very knowledgeable representative took my call with out being placed on hold, listened very carefully to my Dilemma, got me on the phone with a GoldMine Senior Adviser-Mrs Green. and in no time i was given a very clear strategy on how to solve my issues, and on how to enhance my Fico Score. I am amazed on how professionally this heimisha business is serving its costumers on the highest level of knowledge, care, and professionalism.

  • en

    Joseph Green


    Goldmine is a fantastic service and completely free! I have used them to help me strategize and get $50,000 in funding for my business with 0% APR! I was amazed at the level of service and knowledge that I received. I have since then recommended them to my parents and family, as well as friends and business contacts. From a need for 0% loans to getting miles and travel rewards, fixing bad credit and applying for a bank loan, everyone I referred was helped and happy. Goldmine is the source for free information and guidance. I know the owner Eli Gold personally and was lucky enough to get his personal advice on occasions. I'm also amazed by the help I received from one of the top experts in the company Moshe Webber. Thank you Eli, Thank you Moshe, Thank you Goldmine! Five stars+

  • en

    Pinny Kraus


    very very helpful, wow professional and amazingly knowledgeable staff. thanks for your gr8 service helping me get my credit all set!

najbliższy Finanse

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