Golden Nugget Las Vegas Hotel & Casino i Las Vegas

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129 East Fremont Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 702-385-7111
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Latitude: 36.1703422, Longitude: -115.1447934

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jay Fountain


    I stay here twice a year. Very nice rooms, perfectly centered location downtown on Freemont st. Very good food / restaurant selection for one place. Best pool side area around. Nice staff. Casino slots pay out better than the strip. What more could you ask for?

  • Liz Savery

    Liz Savery


    I like this hotel a lot. I've stayed in just about every hotel on the Strip, for business trips, and they are fine but pricey. If you're in Vegas just to be in Vegas, this is a great place to stay. Rooms are large, clean, well-maintained and comfortable, especially the Gold and Rush Tower rooms. They are also about half the price of the better Strip hotels. There are good restaurant options in the hotel itself, and Fremont Street is just out the back door. The one drawback I notice downtown is cigarette smoke -- people smoke in the casinos here more than they do on the Strip -- but other than that, this is an excellent Vegas option. Pro tip: do NOT get a pool-facing room in nice weather or on weekends. The view may be nice but the noise isn't...

  • Jesse L

    Jesse L


    Its so nice to see the resurgence of downtown Las Vegas. The Golden Nugget has always been a staple of this area and continues to do so with the best looking, classiest and most options with a casino. The Golden Nugget provides a great gaming and drinking atmosphere. It also has some of the best restaurants that you'll find in the area. Ive been to the buffet which is great. Vic and Anthonys steakhouse is phenomenal and if your in the mood for great seafood then you must checkout the Chart House. If you in the mood for gambling then they have all the table games, poker room and machines you could possibly want. The rooms here are great too and don't forget about one of the best pools you'll ever see in Vegas.

  • Janice Kempke

    Janice Kempke


    Check in process was amazing. Greeted us when we walked in and checked in very fast. We arrived at noon and the room was ready to go. Room was clean, nice and everything that would normally bother a person about a hotel room or check in, had already be addressed and made simple. Ate several meals at the Claim Jumper Restaurant in the casino, and found the prices were good and the meals were amazing. Check out was available by text from my cell phone which was great and very quick. I will stay at the Golden Nugget again for sure and recommend it to all friends and family:)

  • David French

    David French


    Great hotel, excellent rates, friendly staff. My wife and I were only able to stay for one night, but the Golden Nugget was a great pick. The place was busy, but clean. Staff worked efficiently to serve all the customers as quickly as possible, but they were courteous and helpful all the time. The rooms were clean and nicely furnished and decorated. There were no unpleasant odors; we had a non-smoking room, and while smoke was ever-present in the casino, there was no scent of it in our room. The bed was comfortable and clean, as was t he furniture. We would definitely stay here again, hopefully for a longer time. We want to try the restaurants in the hotel, and we want to check out the pool, with the slide through the shark tank. Location is good, too, just a short walk from Fremont Street.

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