Golden Gate Park in San Francisco

Vereinigte StaatenGolden Gate Park



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San Francisco, CA, USA
kontakte telefon: +1 415-831-2700
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.7694208, Longitude: -122.4862138

kommentare 5

  • en

    Niaz Nafea


    Okay full disclosure: I haven't been everywhere in this park. I've only spent a day here, and it wasn't enough. For me to be satiated with having visited everything I want to visit, it would probably take me 3 days. If you aren't anti-park, then this is probably the place to go if you're bored in San Francisco, visiting or otherwise. It's a big park, in the middle of the city, so it's a great place to see a lot of green. There are so many things to do. Lots of food stands/trucks. Lots of walking. Lots of parking (even though the parking does feel crowded). Great for kids, great for teens, great for adults, great for grandparents, great for octogenarians, etc. After Balboa Park in San Diego, I think this is my favorite park I've ever been to, and I go to parks...a lot. Pretty good location too.

  • James Purucker

    James Purucker


    Thank you to those individuals with the courage, dedication and forethought to preserve this beautiful park for current and future generations. People of all ages, races and physical ability were enjoying the views, the well-maintained trails and the smells from the salt spray and pines growing along the route. Many dogs were also frolicking happily, counting their blessings for having pet Moms and Dads that allow them to enjoy exercise and the wonderful outdoors. One brilliant, bigger breed had a vest on that also carried his water bottle and dish - bravo dog hiker! I was also happy to see that all pet waste was bagged and removed. I also noticed very little litter - leave no trace was evident on this day. One area of concern was a fence that had been knocked down - looked as if someone vandalized this safety feature. I hope volunteers or park authorities can repair the damage and keep this wonderful park in top shape. Several areas on the trail are quite strenuous, especially when encountering the stairs. Don't let that deter you. Get outside and soak in the awe and beauty. Take the time to let the memory sink into your subconscious. Take photos. Be kind to others on the trail. Go as far as you're physically able. Realize that you are free and there is no where else you'd rather be. For those in the know, true happiness is found on such a path.

  • Konamaneti Sreenivasa Reddy.

    Konamaneti Sreenivasa Reddy.


    Beautiful indeed... Very huge park...Housing so many spots of tourist interest. Science museum and planetarium are best.... in its of kind. There is ice-rink near science museum. Rose park ids not so great. Old fashioned windmills gives kids and ended too a kind of joy feeling. Parking near important slots is a bit difficult.

  • Brant Egertson

    Brant Egertson


    Wow what an amazing park! We rented bikes at the Eastern entrance of the park, and rode for several hours. Sundays they close down JFK parkway and it is filled with all sorts of people! Most car traffic is very respectful of non motorized traffic, but be aware riding on the streets as they don't have bike Lanes. Pack a lunch and pop into one of the many secluded picnic areas. Check out the dutch windmills at the West edge near the ocean. Loved it!

  • Nichole Larson

    Nichole Larson


    I love GGP! There's so much to do here and it's great for walking. The tea gardens and botanical gardens are both pretty but if you don't want to spend anything there's a rose garden to visit as well. There are so many great places for picnics and lots of people running or walking around. There's also an off leash dog area, a big playground and carousel for kids. There's even a fly fishing club and model yacht club!!...the fun just goes on and on!

nächste Park

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