Gold Ring Investments Inc w Fair Lawn

Stany ZjednoczoneGold Ring Investments Inc



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0-40, Fairlawn Parkway, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-797-8866
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.921809, Longitude: -74.10312

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chris P


    Excellent to work with from start to finish. This was my 1st time working with Rocco. I've purchased many properties in the past through other companies and this was by far the smoothest transaction. Very helpful through the entire process.

  • Eric Smith

    Eric Smith


    New home owner here and I would highly recommend Rocco Santomenno. He got me an amazing rate and made me feel comfortable through the whole process. All while working VERY hard and fast!

  • en

    Geraldine Ramos


    I highly suggest choosing Rocco Santomenno, of Gold Ring Investments, as your financial mortgage advisor. Rocco has had many successful years assisting others & myself, when applying for a mortgage or other financial service needs you may have. Rocco has proven that he has your best interest at heart. He is very knowledgeable, professional & had literally assisted me from the start of the process, to a successful closure, when I was approved for a mortgage. He can also provide you with additional services such as reputable Real Estate Attorneys & Real Estate Appraisers, whether you are buying or selling your home. Rocco went above & beyond to see to it that this process, which can be quite tedious, was swift, effortless and successful. Please chose him, the next time you are in the market to purchase your primary or vacation property...I assure you, he will deliver with the best rates available!!!!

  • en

    Dinorah Velez


    I was working with someone else to refinance, but was not satisfied. A friend recommended Rocco to me. The difference was immediately noticeable... Rocco is aggressive on his clients' behalf and works at the speed of light. I highly recommend his services.

  • en

    Jackie DeCataldo


    Rocco put tremendous effort into getting me a mortgage very quickly (within a few weeks) on my new home. He also was instrumental in getting my credit score raised quickly so I could get a better interest rate. In addition, he will review all the fees and make sure you are not being overcharged or ripped off! I recommend Rocco with 5 stars! He is a wealth of knowledge! He has done several mortgages for me and always manages to get a great rate and no points! Thanks Rocco!

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