GNC w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczoneGNC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

9880 S Rural Rd, 107, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 480-705-6176
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3220705, Longitude: -111.9291072

komentarze 5

  • en

    Heather Fillman


    After purchasing the last of a 6 pack bag in store Patrick suggested that I could put in an order for one because he was sure they would be placing an order to replenish what they had in store. He then gave me the option of the available colors and stated that orders arrive 3 to 4 days after being placed. 2 and a half weeks later after many calls and trips to the store my order finally came in. After all of the hassle he then refused to honor a gnc coupon that I had (let alone giving me a discount for the process in the first place). I could have purchased the bag through the company myself and paid less and had the bag arrive much sooner. Absolutely terrible customer service. Extremely dissappointed and will not be returning.

  • Evan Ritchey

    Evan Ritchey


    Pat and Shannon are great! They always have great recommendations. I love that they aren’t corporate

  • taj only

    taj only


    Patt is v good professional body builder he guides you what is good and what is not good if your starting gym or trying to loose fat and get lean I love going to this place

  • en

    Luis Ramirez


    The owner is extremely rude and gave me a horrible attitude when I asked if they price matched. When he's not there his daughter, who could care less and I'm guessing is forced to work there, has a can-I-go-home-yet demeanor and is also a "joy" to deal with. Vitamin Shoppe is a little further away from my house but the selection is at least double that of this store. And, yes, Vitamin Shoppe price matches without the attitude.

  • en

    Jenilee Buck


    Very nice people who work here. I asked for advice on protein shakes and protein bars and explained the sugar content and stuff to me. They didn't try to push stuff on me like most places i've been. Everytime i've been hee they are always friendly. I love this GNC :)

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