Gmj Used Appliances & Repair w Union City

Stany ZjednoczoneGmj Used Appliances & Repair



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206, 34th Street, 07087, Union City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-233-5944
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7716016, Longitude: -74.0255213

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marco Antonio


    Reasonable prices. They work with you! Fast delivery.

  • en

    GMJ Appliances


  • LC Reese

    LC Reese


  • en

    Lulu Medeiros


    I cannot recommend this company. John is a nice guy and seems capable, but they are not professional. They do not return phone calls, they don't order parts as promised, there is no follow up. It's been more than one month of trying to have a washer fixed and now I have to go to another company to start the repair process over.

  • en

    Mark Kravetz


    Do not use this company for appliance repair! I called them to fix a clothes dryer that was not heating up. We scheduled the first available appointment which was two days later at 9:00 AM. They didn't arrive until 10:30 AM. Technician told me the problem was with the timer and he would call me later that day with a price to replace it. He charged me $45 for the diagnosis. I never heard back from him and finally got in touch with him two days later. He told me the price to repair the timer was $280 and it would take a week to get as he had to order it. I had already looked up the part online and found that the part was $100. I asked him what he was charging me for the part and he said $120. I then asked him why it would cost $160 to replace a part that literally takes 5 minutes to install. He gave me some BS excuse that he had to drive 45 minutes to pick the part up. Didn't make sense to me seeing as he was ordering the part he could have had it shipped directly to him. Eventually he told me to order the part and he would install it for $80. RIPOFF! I declined his offer, ordered the part (which arrived in three days) and installed it myself. After installing the new timer the dryer was not fixed. I ended up calling Sears Home Services to repair it. A technician from Sears came two days later and said the problem was not with the timer but with the coils. He repaired it on the spot. I returned the timer I had ordered and got a refund. Had I gone with GMJ, I would have spent $325 (diagnosis, part and labor) and still not had the problem fixed and probably would have had to wait longer to get it fixed. With the Sears the issue was accurately diagnosed, fixed that day and cost $180.

najbliższy przechowywania towarów domowe

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