GMC Leasing w Bedford

Stany ZjednoczoneGMC Leasing



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1019, North Industrial Boulevard, 76021, Bedford, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-261-0000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8516124, Longitude: -97.1004341

komentarze 5

  • Scott Killian

    Scott Killian


    Simple and straightforward place to get a used car. Same employees every time I go by.

  • en

    R Murphy


    I have been dealing with Johnny since 1989. And have bought more cars and trucks from him and his staff than I can remember I believe I bought 12 or 13 the first yr I met him. Anyway I consider GMC leasing an asset in my business. Great company to deal with.

  • Robert Benton

    Robert Benton


    Great if you enjoy being given the run-around. Called for info. and was coaxed into coming in. Then the agent who I spoke with abandons me and dumps me with some other sales person who, from what I could tell, didn't understand the first thing about what he was doing there nor seemed to care to try.

  • en

    Craig F.


    We recently purchased a 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan from GMC Leasing.  Over the years we have purchased four vehicles from them.  We have been very pleased with our experience each time. Johnny and Greg are extremely helpful and knowledgeable.  Their years of experience has resulted in smooth transactions for each vehicle we purchased from them.

  • Hayden F

    Hayden F


    Walked away from a sale because the "salesman" refused to put 3/4 tank of fuel in the truck. A simple gesture for him to show his appreciation for our business was too much for Greg apparently. Although their mission statement says that the vehicles come "with gas in the tank", it doesn't specify how much. Almost 15 thousand dollars thrown away because they didn't want to put 30-40 bucks worth of gas in the vehicle.. shame The very next day I went to a dealership in Marshal Texas and found a much better truck at a much better price and guess what, it got a full tank of diesel before I signed the papers. My personal advise would be to avoid this dealership (or at least speak to someone other than Greg).

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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