Global Washington i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGlobal Washington



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1130, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-659-0230
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Latitude: 38.904638, Longitude: -77.041138

kommentar 1

  • Mengistu Belay

    Mengistu Belay


    It was my first time at Global Furnitures Group. What a wonderful experience today at this location! I was looking for a chair for my home office and drove to this showroom. I called this store before I headed to there to make some arrangements to see my desired chair but I asked Ms. Leslie that I was running late (20 miles aways) and my ETA says 4:23pm. Ms. Leslie said, "We close at 5pm. But no problem. I can wait for you." Although I arrived there around 4:30pm (30 minutes before closing), when I walked in to the showroom, Ms. Leslie Knight gave me a sincerely warm reception. She walked me through every chair I wanted to see and try. She made sure that the product's description and photo matched with the help of her reference document. She answered all of my questions promptly, and gave me a print out of local dealership locations where I am finally going to buy the chair I need (picture attached). At the end, when I walked out from the showroom, the time was already 6:10pm (she literally waited for me extra 70 minutes with no complain at all but still being ready to answer whatever questions I had). Ms. Leslie is very knowledgeable about the company's product, detail oriented, great listener and exceptionally helpful! Thank you!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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