Glenn Hotel, Autograph Collection i Atlanta

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Forenede StaterGlenn Hotel, Autograph Collection



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110, Marietta Street NorthWest, 30303, Atlanta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 404-521-2250
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.7569926, Longitude: -84.3929519

kommentar 5

  • Sky Hays

    Sky Hays


    Awesome hospitality. Loved the room and the bar and food had great selection. Dressier than anticipated. Had a t-shirt and jeans and felt wayyyy out of place.

  • Tim Griggs

    Tim Griggs


    Overall we had a really enjoyable experience. I checked in using the mobile app so when we arrived the key was already ready. We were upgraded to the penthouse room on the 10th floor. We can't say enough good things about this hotel. We were extremely comfortable and both slept like rocks. Loved the oversized tub.

  • en

    Chad Lyons


    Awesome place, beautiful decor, very clean. Customer service was very good as well. Even during the free wine hour they had. Had a great steak in the lounge as well. All around awesome place. Highly recommended only small complaint was the size of gym. It was ultra small. Ibworked out 5 am or so. 1 other gentleman was there and we wete cramped with 2 people. Other then than i wouldn't hesitate.

  • Thomas Wagner

    Thomas Wagner


    This is a swanky little hotel. The room is what I expected for the price and area. I like that it's not a large chain. The character with this hotel is pretty cool. The bed is beyond comfortable! Nice bar downstairs and above on the top floor! Also has a full service food venue as well. Great little gem right downtown!

  • Brandie Dewey

    Brandie Dewey


    We didn't stay here, but my husband and I stopped by the bar then Checked out their skyview. It was beautiful. The have couches and comfortable areas to sit, and hang out and socialize. Directly inside they have an intimate area where they have live music and it's lit up with small white lights covering the ceiling. After 7 there's a cover charge, but seems like a great place for a small group. It's a really small place, but perfect for a low-key, classy night.

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