Glamour Beauty Parlor & Spa w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGlamour Beauty Parlor & Spa



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11813, Liberty Avenue, 11419, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-322-1698
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6862435, Longitude: -73.8245644

komentarze 5

  • en

    Supreya Motiram


    The only good thing about this place is a hairdresser by the name of Gillian. She is a sweet kind person that knows how to cut, style, blow, fix any type of hair. Other than her, I got my eyebrows done here the ignorant woman messed them up they are now uneven, too thin, and when I asked her yo fix them the way I wanted she blatantly told me " she doesn't want to do that" and then she has an attitude with me after she said such outlandish things. However I spoke to the owner and she did not charge me for the services but that still didn't make upfor the way I was treated. Never come here for any other services but hair. When you do your hair, ask for Gillian. She is the only diamond here.

  • en

    Zara Khan


    This place is robbing and the work that they do is horrible. I came in here for waxing and eyebrows. They ruined my eyebrows by doing it uneven and very thin! I kept telling the lady but she kept making it even more worse. As for whole arms, they initially told me it was $20 and after I was done they demanded $25. I mentioned that you said $20 before and now $25? Anyways, I paid them the $25 but this is my last time. This place should be out of business if you ask me. Rude workers that don’t seem to care how they treat you and do their work. I don’t recommend this place to anyone at all.

  • en

    sandy kumar


    late workers and very slow.The owner is very rude.They should be out of business

  • Cynthia Iyub

    Cynthia Iyub


    The staff is very polite. Excellent customer service. The male hair stylist here is the best- he's very professional and I wouldn't go anywhere else to get my hair done. Over all it's the best salon I've visited in NY

  • en

    Alisha Oudit


    The guy at this salon is the only person that know how to do hair and threat customers. Only because of him. This is the only person and place I go to , to get my hair well done. 1

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