Glacier Dental i Anchorage

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGlacier Dental



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2421, East Tudor Road, 99507, Anchorage, Anchorage, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 907-222-6000
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 61.1813198, Longitude: -149.8353843

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kukama Tinoifili


    You guys awesome! Staffs are beautiful. I am bringing all my kids here! Thank you so much.

  • en

    Tammy Lee


    As soon as we walked in we were greeted with a smile by the admin, Muache. The whole appointment with Tricia and Dr Han was a speedy process. Thank you Glacier dental for the awesome work!

  • Ashley Williams

    Ashley Williams


    Glacier Dental is awesome. It’s clean, the staff are so pleasant and very considerate of my time needs. They remember me from previous visits and special thanks to Julie for sorting out an issue with Medicaid. Dr. Han & Tracy were my care providers for my last visit and they were so kind, funny & thorough with my cleaning and cavity fills. Will always be coming back here.

  • Olga Sergyeyeva

    Olga Sergyeyeva


    The staff at Glacier Dental on Tudor really make sure that I get the best experience. Dr. You and Arin are great and every dental assistant who helped take care of me and my teeth went above and beyond in their care and communication. There is also almost no waiting time and so far I have been received on my scheduled time. Definitely recommend.

  • jawm love

    jawm love


    My families has had amazing experiences here at Glacier Dental. DR. Man is an amazing Dr, he was very thorough with his work and explaining everything about my mom's procedure to me. All my family members who has come here left with an awsome bright smiles.

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