Get A Grip Cycles w Chicago

Stany ZjednoczoneGet A Grip Cycles



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621, West Fulton Street, 60661, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 312-631-3225
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.8865741, Longitude: -87.6438114

komentarze 5

  • Graham Harwood

    Graham Harwood


    So this is the premium bike store and it's expensive but entirely worth it. This is the premium bike store that has everything you need and Adam who does fitting is THAT good. When I bought a bike I paid full price and it is expensive but I have never had a bike feel that good. Whenever I go back to my old bike I just don't like it nearly as much as the one I bought here. They also do a free tune-up once a year.

  • en

    Craig Cooper


    This place was great. Came in with a loose handle bar and it was fixed in the matter of a minute. Would give 6 stars if possible!

  • en

    Jordan Fisher


    Huge fan. After initially fixing a few fit issues, I recently went in for a tune up and it feels like I am riding a new bike. I have an entry level road bike, and they never tried to up-sell me equipment or throw new parts at the bike to fix a fit issue. In many cases, small adjustments were all that was needed to make a huge difference in comfort and performance. One thing to remember, however, is that this is a small shop. If you have a lot of questions or want to really understand what you are buying, its best to make an appointment. That isn't to say they aren't friendly or helpful, but sometimes they get busy and its hard to split time between numerous customers, especially when one is getting a fit.

  • Mike McNamara

    Mike McNamara


    I have gotten fitted at Get A Grip as well as a Tune up. Adam is a complete professional and very friendly. He did a fantastic job helping me get the most out of my bike without trying to up-sell me on things I didn't need. I could feel the difference immediately when I left the shop. My bike is so much more comfortable, and I am riding faster with less effort. There is a reason Adam is recommended on so many of the cycling/triathlon forums.

  • Michael Cote

    Michael Cote


    Get a Grip stands behind everything they sell. Over the last 6 years I've needed help at least 5 times. Adam and crew always come through and take care of their customers. Don't worry about finding your least expensive option to purchase a bike, think about all the times you'll need support in a pinch.

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