Georgetown University Law Center i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGeorgetown University Law Center


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600, New Jersey Avenue Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-662-9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.8977953, Longitude: -77.0129087

kommentar 5

  • en

    Albert Wu


    Beautiful campus! Unfortunately a lot of constuction in the area and the law sign was blocked by garbage cans when we visited but the architecture is lovely.

  • en

    Susan Strickland


    No one at this institution cares that I'm unemployed. Sure, I understand - you lay in the bed that you make - but I played the game, I followed the formula and now I can't get anyone to even return my e-mails. At my undergraduate school, I felt like they were partners working towards my success. I didn't feel any of that at this institution.

  • en

    Arsen Akhatov


    Very good law school. Many courses are taught by leading experts in their field of law and by practicing lawyers. This gives students an opportunity to gain plenty of practical know hows and knowledge. It is worth to mention that the school has one of the best international law and tax faculties in the U.S.

  • en

    Justin Reilly


    Pretty tight law school! Amazing group of students, especially in the cross-disciplinary track. Amazing to study law and have opportunities to work/intern/network in the world's "law capitol."

  • Li Hong

    Li Hong


    Spacious, clean, quiet, and good working space for students. Medical Students, I recommend the Edward Bennett Williams law library. There are computers and a giant reading room. But for group study, I found only a couple group spaces. Great for individual study

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