Georgetown Suites w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneGeorgetown Suites



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1111, 30th Street Northwest, 20007, Washington, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 202-298-7800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9044866, Longitude: -77.058504

komentarze 5

  • en

    Zheng Qin


    We checked in really late at night. I tried to take a quick shower and go to bed. But I found that there were used shampoo, body wash and conditioner left on one corner of the barhub. And there is no new ones. I really wonder if they ever change their towels and sheets.

  • en

    larry skeete


    Great location but parking is very limited. We have a larger SUV and it couldn’t fit into the underground parking garage. So we ended up having to pay extra for parking elsewhere. The location though is great and the rooms are clean and staff is helpful

  • Megan Mayfield

    Megan Mayfield


    I traveled to D.C. for the first time and I was anxious for my stay at Georgetown Suites. I honestly hadn't done much research on them outside of the main site (which was nice and gave goo suggestions of things to do in the area), but I figured I couldn’t go wrong with a hotel with a kitchen area! I was blown away the hotel was! The staff was very friendly and check in and check out was a breeze. The room itself was wonderful. It was MORE than enough space for me. In my opinion, the 1 BR suite could easily fit 4 people pretty comfortably. The location of the hotel was also amazing. The conference I attended was at Georgetown U which is only a couple miles away. It's also fairly close to other DC attractions as well as Ronald Reagan Airport. I didn't get to venture out much for because of timing, but I was able to walk a block or so down to M Street which has plenty to choose from when it comes to restaurants and shops. I was also to walk to Georgetown Waterfront Park where the of the river was gorgeous! The ONLY "complaint" I have is with the noise from the street. My room was located above 29th street and at night it was sometimes hard to sleep because of all of the noise. I don't fault the hotel for that since it's not something they can control (not sure who was making the noise, but it seemed like city workers). Once I actually fell asleep I was to stay asleep so that was good. All in all, I enjoyed my stay there and would definitely recommend staying. I'm definitely coming back on my next trip to DC!

  • en

    SYLVIA Chwalek


    We stay here every year. Very clean, and enough room to feel like home. Separate bedroom, kitchen, your own family room. We live having a kitchen in our room and we do use it. The breakfast the hotel provides is great.

  • Ian McDougall

    Ian McDougall


    Location is right in downtown Georgetown. Rooms are spacious and fully equipped with a kitchenette, a living room area, two large TVs, a bedroom, and a bathroom. Kitchenette had all the essentials in it. The windows seem poorly insulated, so we had to keep the thermostat higher than reasonable. The toiletries provided are too fancy and should not be left in a wet environment (they're very nice though). Service is quick and friendly. Housekeeping is thorough.

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