Georges Gyros i Mesa

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Forenede StaterGeorges Gyros



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205, North Country Club Drive, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-890-1325
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Latitude: 33.419831, Longitude: -111.839477

kommentar 5

  • Kim Rogers

    Kim Rogers


    This is an AMAZING restaurant. One of the few places that I don't get the he same thing every time because everything is SO good!

  • Michael Bishop

    Michael Bishop


    This is my go to place when I want a gyro. I have eaten here for years now and the food is consistently excellent! Never once have I left regretting my decision to get a gyro from here. I have tried gyros at many different places and Georges is the place that I keep coming back to. Price is good and portion size is perfect. The meat isn't dry and overly salted like many others that I have had. They always have real gyro meat spinning in the back. French frys have just the right amount of crunch without being too dried out. Isn't a fancy place or in the cool part of town, but always has people eating there lunch or dinner. If you like gyros and you having eaten here you owe it to yourself to give this place a try.

  • en

    Pamela Ransom


    Love George's Gyros. Their (not sure how to spell this word) tazinie sauce, pitas, gyros and saffron rice are to die for! Their prices are reasonable and food is Quality! I love their healthy and delicious cuisine!

  • Pete Walter

    Pete Walter


    Couldn't tell it was one of those jewels with a rough exterior. Great food. Great A/C. Comfortable surroundings. Nothing fancy. A major businessman's lunch spot. We beat the lunch crowd by minutes and then the rush began. Many people order on the website then pick it up. Conversations ranged from medical talk to sales talk to management issues and then there was me and my wife... sex! I also had their Gyro plate. Weird how I kept obsessing on how refreshing the Greek salad was. We watched The Master's on the big flat screen. All around 5 stars for a lunch spot.

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    Alicia Boyce


    well if you are from the Midwest like myself eating authentic gyros is a real treat! Being a native Chicagoan, you go into the various ethnic neighborhoods to get the real deal...Georges Gyros is the best thing in AZ you can get for a quick but true Greek Gyros! The meat is cooked rotisserie style on the spinner and is a real blend of beef/lamb you find in traditional Greek carryout restaurants...pita is soft and very fresh not packaged store bought. You get a choice of salad or fries...i always get the traditional Greek salad...meal is $6.99 and generous portions...this is a "must eat" if you enjoy a good gyro..there are other Greek dishes on the menu I have yet to try...enjoy!

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