George Diaz D.D.S. w Long Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneGeorge Diaz D.D.S.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

736, East Park Avenue, 11561, Long Beach, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-432-7730
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.588287, Longitude: -73.642299

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kevin Clarke


    Excellent dentist... great service, staff are friendly and helpful, and they are always on-time.

  • en

    Charlene Simon


    Excellent Dentist and the staff offers excellent customer services.

  • Rodrigo Granados

    Rodrigo Granados


    Being a patient in this office for almost 5 years. The doctor and his staff are a complete professional teamwork. Their job is amazing and the most important thing is that they make you feel like you are at home. Highly recommended

  • en

    Casey Mancz-Murphy


    I have been seeing Dr. Diaz for a few years for my cleanings and he's absolutely wonderful. I recently got engaged and wanted to do some cosmetic treatments to my smile. He was very informative and knew which procedures would give me my desired results. I had a gingivectomy and teeth whitening - the results of both were great! Dr. Diaz and the staff are all so friendly and welcoming and I would highly recommend their services.

  • en

    Wil Flores


    After years of searching for a local, trustworthy, and affordable dentist my aunt recommended Dr Diaz to me. I have been extremely happy and have had several procedures done including and extraction and implant. i couldn't be happier with the results and would recommend them to anyone. His staff is very kind, efficient, and professional. Dr Diaz himself is very pleasant and informative. He offered me several options and went into detail on what each procedure was so that i was clear about what in fact i was getting done. Also i must mention his dental equipment is very modern!!!

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