Genesis Chiropractic Software w Dumont

Stany ZjednoczoneGenesis Chiropractic Software



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108, Juniper Street, 07628, Dumont, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 877-601-5986
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.954182, Longitude: -73.978444

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jarrad Martin


    Genesis has a fantastic product that does so much more than just provide software. Genesis has highly ethical management who truly care about all the hats we have to wear as business owners and Docs. As our responsibility grows with our practice it is critical to have the assistance of businesses like Genesis. I urge you to look for yourself and schedule a demo.

  • en

    Lacy Lind


    I love Genesis Chiropractic Software. I log onto my phone at home if I forgot to do something or to reschedule patients who text our reminder service. I also like that we can use it on the go for events we attend as well. We do not have an iPad yet since we are a new practice but once we get one that will be very easy. It is very user friendly and easy to use. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.

  • en

    Greg Postier


    Overall, a very good software for note taking and billing. The only con would be if you would like to set up a meeting with tech support it can take a while. However, there is a messaging system in place to talk to tech support online which has been beneficial. I just prefer to talk over the phone so there's no miscommunication

  • Scott Lloyd

    Scott Lloyd


    I have been using Genesis since 2005. The system has always been top notch and evolves in a very timely fashion. The 'back office' work that Genesis does allows me to practice without an extra employee, which is huge in so many ways. In 2005 I was in a shared space with 3 other chiropractors, each of us having a separate practice yet sharing front office and back office employees. This system was so simple to implement and integrate into the multiple doc setting. Genesis really was a Godsend for our team. When I moved my practice in 2008, it was just me, no employees, completely solo, and without Genesis it would have never been possible for me to streamline with such ease. Fast forward, 2016, I have been using Genesis for 11 years and still completely satisfied. There is so much customization that one could do, or not, and so much that the staff at Genesis does, it is really a superior system and service! 5 stars plus

  • Adam Duncan

    Adam Duncan


    Could not be happier about the great customer service which is hard to find these days. Would and do recommend to any other doctors or staff out there looking for great billing software and company. They always make sure to get issue resolved even if means phone, email, video or screen sharing to get down to root issue. Thanks to everyone I have worked with on the amazing team at Genesis.

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