Generation Kia w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneGeneration Kia



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4825, Sunrise Highway, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-569-5700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7589489, Longitude: -73.1053511

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nicholas Ruffalo


    Just bought a Jeep Wrangler 2012! Very happy and satisfied with the purchase. I was assisted by JC who helped me through the process of buying my very first car. He was very generous and honest, which I respect. Would def recommend to anyone

  • en

    Daisy antario


    This is my second lease from Generation Kia Bohemia. Patty was amazing as always. It’s like seeing family every time I go whether it’s for a new car or service. I’ve always recommended Generation Kia to family and friends and will continue to do so. Thank you Patty and Joe for all the effort you put into working with me!

  • en

    Ken Tyrrell


    It all started on July 4 2014. My wife and I went in there to look at cars. We met Ray who at that time was a salesman. He made us feel at home and like we were family. When we left there a 2015 Forte was coming home. Then in December of that year my oldest daughter was away in college, she needed a car. We again went to see Ray and left there with a 2015 Optima. Since then the cars have been back for inspections and routine maintenance. They have always treated us like family. Within the last two months we have been back and have leased all new 2018 cars. This time we dealt with Ray and Matt. We will never go anywhere else for a car. Thanks again.

  • en

    David Lovett


    I want to thank Don for all the work he did to help me in the purchase of my 370Z. He took care of me & my new car & greatly appreciate his commitment to excellent customer care. Secondly, I want to thank Mark for all the work he did for me as well. He went out of his way to get me info I needed to get this deal rolling & appreciate his commitment to help me. Last, but not least in any way, I would like to thank Addie. She provided me with great financial services & went out of her way to make this deal happen. Without her diligence & expertise with the lenders, this deal may have never happened. In addition to the above mentioned employees, Chuck & all the girls who fielded my calls over the weeks, were very polite & professional & were always there to try & get me to the correct people for each task to complete this deal! Thanks again to all of you & may all of you have a God blessed year!!! Thanks Again!

  • Jade Lawrence

    Jade Lawrence


    Mackenzie Gallo helped me so much today. I am a young adult and was looking for an SUV to last me a lot longer than my first car. She helped us find something in our price range, great mileage, and in great condition. She was so nice and helped us with finding all the information. She helped with our insurance company and organizing everything. She related to us and our situation and she helped us bargain the price down. Thank you Mackenzie for all of your help and for helping my family and I find a great car for me. I appreciate everything that you did. Thank you and God bless you

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