Gem Nail Spa - Nail Salon Fort Worth w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneGem Nail Spa - Nail Salon Fort Worth



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4420, North Tarrant Parkway, 76244, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 682-593-7820
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.893958, Longitude: -97.290972

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tammy Mack


    I got a manicure here on Thursday with Steven and enjoyed it so much I took my son back the next day for pedicures. Clean, bright, open, and friendly staff. The full bar doesn’t hurt either! Very pleased with the quality service and friendly staff! Jenny and Kelly were great also!

  • en

    Derika Maxwell


    I’ve relocated from Houston, TX and looked up this place so I decided to give it a try. I’ve been going here now for the past 5 months and the customer service is wonderful. The man at the front desk is always smiling and very personable with the customers. They offer a variety of complimentary beverages and their bathroom is clean as well. Their prices are just slightly higher than what I’m used to, but I can’t complain because they deliver exceptional service each and every time. They have a wide selection of nail techs and they do great work. I definitely recommend this place if you’re looking for a nail salon in and around the Keller area.

  • en

    Mike Reed


    Perfect place. They are polite and very good. I used Kevin on my nails and he is as good as my last guy that i used for past 4 years and then he left. I've tried Pacific and onyx nail salons and there's no comparison in the quality! I found my new permanent place. Janice

  • Renae DeVere

    Renae DeVere


    My girls and I went in 10 minutes before closing and were initially told they were booked up for the rest of the day. No biggie. As we were leaving, another gentleman came and told us it was okay and had us stay. Everything was excellent. Sandy did my nails and did a very nice job. So nice, in fact, that I made an appointment with her for a later visit. This place is close to my house, it's a nice salon and the customer service is awesome. I'll definitely be back.

  • Melanie Lathe

    Melanie Lathe


    I have been to quite a few "spas" in my day but this one holds true to its name. It really is a gem. Immaculate, beautiful decor, amazing staff, Every member of the crew is knowledgeable and friendly. The manager and the owner are both remarkable. They have an enormous selection of colors and the atmosphere is truly relaxing. I cannot say enough good things about this establishment. I will be a lifetime client.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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