Gbolahan O. Okubadejo, MD, FAAOS i Englewood

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Forenede StaterGbolahan O. Okubadejo, MD, FAAOS



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25, Rockwood Place, 07631, Englewood, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 877-854-8274
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Latitude: 40.7162172, Longitude: -74.0470447

kommentar 5

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    Michelina Cuomo-Squillante


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    donna suarez


    Dr. O did my cervical surgery after going to him as a 3rd opinion. He did surgery on a friend of mine who is much younger then I am and my friend who was bedridden for over a year is now up and back to his old life. I was so happy that I choose to use Dr. O for my cervical surgery because I know feel so much of a difference. I was being paralyzed on the right side of my body. Im not going to lie there was pain afterwards which is to be expected but nothing compared to what I had before. Dr. O and his staff are all wonderful and caring people. He explained to my family and myself what was going to be done and what to expect afterwards. My only mistake was to have the surgery 11 days before my daughters wedding. The wedding was beautiful of course but I just could not enjoy myself the way I would have liked to have. I recommend Dr.O to anyone that tells me they have a back problem. I also needed surgery on my back but because it was a workers comp case I had to go with the Dr. the insurance company choose. But please even if you don't want to just go see him for a consult. I met a man there who could not walk and was also bedridden for a long time and he told me after his surgery he can now get up and move around . He was only out of surgery for a few weeks at that time. Good Luck. And Dr. O keep up the great work.

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    Betty Wilkes


    Dr. Okubadejo is the best an he is very kind i would recommend him too everyone

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    Cindy Cheer


    Dr.Okabadeju in addition to his outstanding surgical skills (speaking from personal experience) also has outstanding people skills! He always has a hug if you need one & makes the time to answer any questions you may have about a surgery if he believes it will help your quality of life, your pain & your overall well being. If in his opinion surgery is not the answer to your problem then he does offer alternative procedures to help alleviate your pain & improve your quality of life. Dr.Okabadeju initially operated & repaired several vertebrae in my lumbar area of my back. Once healed from the surgery I was able to have a quality back to my life & was able to resume many activities I had given up for years due to horrible pain. In a few weeks Dr. Okabadeju will operate on my neck due to a bone spur which has compressed the disc at C4 causing pain & limited movement. I have no doubt that Dr. Okabadeju's skills will once again give me back the best possible outcome & allow me to enjoy my life again. God bless him! P.S. His staff are the sweetest & most competent group of people who go out of their way to make what is of course a stressful process as easy as they can for the patients!

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    Barbara Monahan


    I just wish that I had found Dr. Okubadejo sooner. I might have been spared two painful back surgeries. I had a 4 level disc fusion with the top surgeon at HSS which failed, I met with a spine-pain anesthesiologist for a spine cord stimulator implant which failed too because the leads have a much greater chance of failing/moving out of place as mine did after only 1 year. Enter Dr. Okubadejo and spine cord stimulator revision surgery. Don't let anyone near your spine except a spine surgeon ever!! No need to go to NY. Dr. Okubadejo is very calm, very skilled with a very impressive resume of education and training. I am confident that I was in the best of hands! JC is lucky to have him! The doctor's staff are lovely and personable as well as very professional! . Disc fusion should be a last resort after all other pain management options have been exhausted.

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