Garcia Tire Shop in Fresno

Vereinigte StaatenGarcia Tire Shop


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202, North H Street, 93701, Fresno, Fresno County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 559-266-2070
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.7457765, Longitude: -119.8071025

kommentare 5

  • Gabriel Defonseka

    Gabriel Defonseka


  • Ruth Jimenez

    Ruth Jimenez


    Very good service

  • en

    ada maldonado


    owner is always so helpful

  • XxGamerZeldaxX



    We had a flat tire, the owner Felix said there wasn't any air leaking but put a patch anyway (what he said), great patch alright. For at least a month the tire kept deflating more rapidly till we took it to another place. The other place we took it to said it was patched but with a bicycle patch. Our car a huge oversized Truck and it had a bicycle patch? I'd rather have my tires looked at by a well respected chain company instead of shady small shop like this. Felix has know my parents for years just in order to screw us over time & time again. This was the last straw. The guy changes the pricing as well, one minute it doesn't cost so much then when he is done he demands more money. If I were you (anyone reading this review), I would look else where to have service done, instead of here. So be warned.

  • Jovan Onsurez

    Jovan Onsurez


    My husband, myself and my two babies were driving and ran over something on the freeway. My husband pulled over to see if there was any damage to our vehicle and notice that our tire was punctured and leaking really fast. We googled a tire shop and Garcia's tire shop was the first and closest shop. We arrived and both gentlemen on duty attacked our tire and had it patched in 5 of the fastest min EVER ! Super awesome customer service and best $10 I've spent ever ! Thx for saving the day and our family day👍🏽👍🏽

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