GameStop w Passaic

Stany ZjednoczoneGameStop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

20, Lexington Avenue, 07055, Passaic, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-815-2845
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8628774, Longitude: -74.1269825

komentarze 5

  • en

    Vicente La Torre


    The store seems to have what I'm looking for everytime I decide to purchase a game or some items related to gaming. Knowledgeable workers will inform you on any game related questions you may have.

  • en

    Oscard Villegas


    Gakestop... GAMEstop... stop here and buy games.

  • Alex Muriel

    Alex Muriel


    Everytime I've gone to this location I've had a bad experience with multiple employees that work there. It's very unfortunate since this location is so close to me. (So just a heads up, I made this review 9 months ago and this still holds true to this establishment. I just placed a call to talk about a future console purchase and received nothing but attitude over the phone from a kid named “Manny”. Do yourself a favor and don’t go to this location. I’ve never dealt with such horrible customer service from workers and such in competent people that know nothing about the products there.)

  • Ramon Acevedo

    Ramon Acevedo


    Great selection great staff Manny is the best He will take care of deals

  • en

    m l


    Great friendly customer service went in with a couple trade in games. They were very polite about the stuff they don't take. Items rh3y did they were quick and efficient on processing them and giving me the credit for the store.

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