G Nails w Woodbury

Stany ZjednoczoneG Nails



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1705 Weir Dr 1A, Woodbury, MN 55125, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 651-251-9579
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 44.9252364, Longitude: -92.9715187

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jessica Gtz


    They insisted on gel nails, which I did not wanted. Then they changed and lower the price for me (meaning they charge people a different price).. I had to say OK! Then she took extremely long and it was PAINFUL!!!... never in my life did I experience pain while doing my nails!! she even skipped the part of washing my hands. Now that I got home I notice a bumpy nail... looks horrible. I cant believe I paid $40 for this. It was my first and last time there....

  • en

    Latoya Hicks


    I needed manicure and got the Dip powder nail polish... Was awesome.. Donna is so sweet and took her time.. I will return.

  • en

    Erica Montes


    Donna did my nails and she did great! Really nice girl... enjoyed talking with her!

  • en

    J Ro


    WORST NAIL EXPERIENCE EVER. Arrived right at 9:30am to get in and out with a hopefully decent set of nails. The manager didn't arrive to open the doors until about 9:45 - no big deal. I requested an extremely easy and popular acrylic set and was told I needed to wait until someone else got there because the 3 employees present weren't allowed to use acrylic?!?!?!?! Let my sister get her dip nails done first (OMG they were horrible do not get tips with dip nails or go to an experienced nail tech!!!) waited until 11:30 to even get in the seat. The nail techs argued about who was going to finish my nails after only the tips were glued on. When the one who had to do mine finally started the nail tips literally chipped into pieces while being "shaped" . I was trying so hard to give them the benefit of the doubt about this whole situation but ultimately had to go home remove the nail polish, reshape my nails and redo the polish on my own. People do not waste your money here!!!! It is horrible.

  • en

    Janessa Rosario


    This place opens at 9:30. My sister and I got there at 9:20, just because we were running a little ahead of schedule. An employee was waiting outside for the other employee to get there to open the door. She didn't arrive until 9:45. We were the only two there at the time. Told them what we wanted. She said she didn't know how to do that, so we chose something else. Three women were then working, but only one started doing my nails. They were saying the other ones didn't know how to do something, so my sister had to wait for my nails to be done so the same lady could do her nails? My nails were horribly done, took over an hour and somehow every single nail is pointed upwards with an obvious dip in the middle of each nail. I was knicked twice by the sander thing and had painful cuts. She moved on to my sisters nails, glued the tips on and stopped and told her she didn't know how to put acrylic on. Also cut my sisters cuticle and made her bleed. So she got the lady who "couldn't do it" since the beginning to come and do them. We had to wait for her because a couple more customers came in. This lady noticed one tip came right off, then the rest came right off. So she had to start over completely when we were already there for over two hours. At this point we were both very frustrated, in pain and late to everything we had planned the rest of the day. I tried to explain to this new lady that my nails were going to have to be taken off and redone, and tried to show her the obvious flaws. She wouldn't even look in my direction. I asked what kind of discount I could have because we didnt have any more time. She said $5 off of my $50 bill. The first lady then came to me, very apologetic. Told me I could come back and she will fix them. We decided I'd pay half, since she was at least trying to be nice about it. The other lady, not so much. Very, very rude. She was painting my sisters nails while I discussed my nails with the first lady. Must have upset her, because she slopped on my sisters polish terribly. She broke down in the car on the way home because she noticed her polish was coming right off. Like it was too thick and couldnt dry. She lives a mile away and all her nail polish was off by the time we got to her house. We both wasted 3 hours of our lives, wasted $50 and left without our nails even remotely acceptable. Also, they didn't do any of the "basic" manicure things. Like cutical care or lotion or anything of that sort. I'd stay away.

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