G & M Glass & Mirror i Yonkers

Forenede StaterG & M Glass & Mirror



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91, Yonkers Avenue, 10701, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-423-0603
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9355035, Longitude: -73.8864542

kommentar 3

  • Daniel Costanza

    Daniel Costanza


  • Maximilian Sanchez

    Maximilian Sanchez


    Fast and reasonable prices

  • en

    Albert Quiles


    Must be the worst customer service I have ever witnessed in the 100's of companies I have dealt with. The person that answered the phone was rude. After breaking my glass table I decided to make a run to this company that was located 10 minutes away from my home. I called to inform him that i was 2 minutes away (it was 4:58pm) and he gave me an unbelievable attitude because he had to wait 1 minute past 5pm. Needless to say they lost a customer!! You would think in this economy, businesses would value its customers! G&M Glass & Mirror shame on you!! Close your shop, your not worth being in business!!

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