Furniture Ranch w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneFurniture Ranch


brak informacji

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20635, Cave Creek Road, 85024, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-993-5223
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6743851, Longitude: -112.0301712

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dan Stewart


    Exceptional service and prices! Vinny and his team are very knowledgeable and great to work with!

  • en

    Sara Mays


    We stopped at Furniture Ranch on a whim to look at furniture, and ended up having all of the cabinetry built for our kitchen remodel. Now we've just had our custom cabinets installed and they are so beautiful. The shop foreman, Paul, is a perfectionist and true craftsman; you can see that he cares a lot about the quality of his work. These cabinets weren't made overnight; it took several weeks. I could actually have had them installed earlier, but was abroad for nearly three weeks, so Gabe (one of the owners) and his crew had to wait for me to return home. If you're looking for custom cabinetry and/or furniture, the end result is worth the wait. I wanted to mention that before walking into Furniture Ranch, I was sooo close to ordering cabinets from one of the big box stores. With Gabe and Paul, I got beautiful, custom cabinets for about the same price as Lowe's top-end Schuler cabinets. I'm so glad I waited and went with Furniture Ranch. We were so pleased with Paul's work that we had him rework a stove hood for us and will also be having him build one or two more cabinets. Beautiful, meticulous work. We would definitely recommend them to others.

  • en

    Teresa Conley


    Nice selection of southwest rustic furniture quality made to order. Prices reasonable

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    Carol Roeber


    Gabe and his crew designed and built barn doors for our closet. They did a fantastic job ( custom made to fit our needs). We are more than happy with the way they turned out. We will definitely return to the store.

  • en

    Betty T


    We just had the Furniture Ranch design, build, and install furniture for our two home offices. The design is exactly what we wanted--they even came out to measure and make sure that we were ordering exactly what we wanted. The furniture was installed on schedule and the installation team was cordial, helpful, and left our home clean. The furniture looks fantastic and everyone who has seen it loves it, too!

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