Funda-Mantels w Mastic

Stany ZjednoczoneFunda-Mantels



🕗 godziny otwarcia

659, Mastic Road, 11950, Mastic, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-399-3223
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.787449, Longitude: -72.84504

komentarze 5

  • Frank Martens

    Frank Martens


    Funda-Mantels did an excellent job on building and installing a custom mantel in my house.  Frank was great to work with on the project.  Any time I had a question for him related to the project he got back to me rather fast.  I could tell from talking to him that he takes a lot of pride in his work.  He came up with great design for the mantel that looks absolutely beautiful in my living room.  I have received so many complements on the mantel.  I would not hesitate in recommending him to others that need a mantel installed.

  • Krp Diem

    Krp Diem


    Frank and his team were friendly, knew their stuff and were great to work with. Absolute craftsmen.

  • en

    Robb Risani


    Frank was a pleasure! We had concerns about which mantle shelf would fit our space, what design to choose, what height the shelf should be at, what finish to choose, etc. Frank came to our house, took measurements, took a sample to match the stain, put us at ease and was just AMAZING! Frank had promised us that the mantle shelf would be constructed and installed within 2 weeks… He actually beat that promise by a whole week!!! Once installed the mantle looked fabulous! And in Frank’s words, “It looks like it was always there.” I can’t say enough about this process, except that it was effortless, and we are extremely grateful and happy with the result. We would recommend Frank to anyone and everyone, he is truly a professional!

  • en

    Kim Piazza


    Frank and his assistant were very personable. He was able to complete my mantel and match it perfect to my floor in record time. Would recommend him to anyone!

  • en

    Frank Turrigiano


    Beautiful stuff just beautiful.

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