Fuel Health Food II w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFuel Health Food II



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7004, 3rd Avenue, 11209, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-238-4546
strona internetowej: www.fuelgrillnyc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6348395, Longitude: -74.0266254

komentarze 5

  • Tiffany Cajigas

    Tiffany Cajigas


    I actually like their food but very dissapointed with their customer sevice. I placed an order online, got an order number & it said that the order was successfully placed, this was around 8:30pm so at 9pm I called to ask about my order and Michelle said that unfurtanately it didn't go through so I asked if they can deliver it anyways being that I've been hungry waiting for an order that didn't even go through even though I had my order number and everything. She said no, that she's sorry but they can't deliver now. Seriously? You guys have a website that apparently doesn't work properly, so you never get the order meanwhile I'm here waiting because I trusted your website and now you can't deliver even when i live less than 10 minutes away walking and you guys don't close until 10, i understand if this wouldve happened way closer to closing time, and at leats you offer a discount or something for my next time ordering but that wasn't the case. I won't be ordering again, I won't support a local business with such poor service 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼

  • Joseph T. Hamdan

    Joseph T. Hamdan


    Fuel Cross Fit and Muscle Up Protein Drink are my go to choices. Great Food, good people, convenient location.

  • Justina Rosado

    Justina Rosado


    Love this place! They have delicious juices, smoothies, and food, and it's all reasonably priced! The inside could use a little updating, but that doesn't bother me. Love coming here for a nice healthy meal! If you love peanut butter, banana, and coconut, the Fuel Muscle Up smoothie is great!!

  • en

    Apostolos Kottas


    My new wheatgrass place!! Also tried the colon cleanse (T on the menu), and it was delicious.

  • Josh Pesin

    Josh Pesin


    I love this place for two reasons: healthy food and a high funky factor. Everything on the menu is made with one's health in mind from the all-natural juices and smoothies to the large assortment of vegetable and meat wraps. I ordered a buffalo chicken wrap. The chicken had just enough buffalo spiciness and was baked, not fried. My friend tried the mango chicken wrap and was sampling it, it was just as delicious as my order. There are exotic healthy meats on their menu such as buffalo and ostrich meat. For drinks, I ordered a berry acai smoothie. It was very tasty and filling and made from several fruits such as banana, acai, berries, and apples. For two people, my total order came out to $25. I thought that this was a very reasonable amount considering that all the food from this place is on the healthy side. I noticed that not one item on their menu was fried. I highly recommend this place for people who are health-conscious. For decor, the artist commissioned an artist years ago to fill up an entire wall from top to bottom with all kinds of cultural, political, and artistic relics found throughout American culture. The items are placed on the wall in a very random way and punctuated by a large array of colors throughout. For this, this place scores high points in both it's presentation and it's healthy food. If you are an artist who likes to eat healthy, then this place is for you.

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