Fuel City Dallas i Dallas

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Forenede StaterFuel City Dallas



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801, South Riverfront Boulevard, 75207, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 214-426-0011
internet side: fuelcity.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.766982, Longitude: -96.8071936

kommentar 5

  • Vancarlus Tennison

    Vancarlus Tennison


    I go to fuel city for scratchers, tacos, and to meet up to go out cruising through the DFW on my bike or my hot rod.. Just saw the Tesla charging stations how cool to be in such a central location. Check out some of my drone shots n get your Texas lottery tickets and if you hit big remember I told you about it

  • Jennifer Rdz (Jenny)

    Jennifer Rdz (Jenny)


    I wanted to see why everybody talked about this place. Normal gas station with Texas Souveneirs & Hispanic food. The tacos & quesadillas from the little taco shop inside were OKAY, they weren't the best but if your hungry late at night, this will do. It's always busy & it was clean.

  • Jonathan Phillips

    Jonathan Phillips


    First off, the tacos are amazing. Nothing special but they have big flavor. It’s cash only but there is an atm beside the taco spot. This place is open 24 hours and it is ALWAYS busy! Parking sucks, the lot is dirty, there are always some “characters” around, but we come here for the tacos y’all! If I separated everything out the taco spot would get 4 stars and the station would get 2 so I average that to a solid 3. They do have a Tesla charge row as well so they do accommodate all vehicles. If you are hungry, need fuel, and are close, no matter what time of day, give Fuel City a try.

  • Christian artiga

    Christian artiga


    This is definitely a interesting spot to come eat. I landed into Dallas and this was the only my place open at 1 am maybe the atmosphere and food is different during the day. The presentation of the food was better then the taste. I ordered the tacos. I had the beef tacos they were definitely the worst tacos I have ever had no flavor and were cold. The Al pastor were a little better but definitely nothing to talk about. I would not recommend this place, better to just go home and have a bigger breakfast in the morning.

  • Rafael Holewa

    Rafael Holewa


    This place used to be a destination of Attraction where you wanted to be at and check out the tacos in downtown and see all the lights but the place has gone down hill badly. It is filthy very dirty it doesn't seem very friendly anymore and the food is not as good as it used to be the customer service is average at best. This place is very dirty very disgusting trash everywhere the concrete is stained very badly the fuel pumps look horrible there's no water to wash your windows the sponges look like a year old it's very depressing here now nothing to see anymore just another dirty gas station in Dallas .

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