Friendly Bakery w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFriendly Bakery



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77-26, 21st Avenue, 11370, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7704713, Longitude: -73.8920193

komentarze 5

  • Mark Mayo

    Mark Mayo


    Good brewing coffee, yummy maroon cookies, cream cheese with Bagels

  • en

    Ramona Gonzalez


    Great bagels, donuts and fresh coffee. Great service.

  • Ramona Gonzalez-Medioune

    Ramona Gonzalez-Medioune


    Very friendly staff. Awesome bagels and the best blueberry crumb cake. Coffee great too!

  • Jackelyn Vakalopoulos

    Jackelyn Vakalopoulos


    Friendly Bakery is not so friendly at all! I've lived in this area for over 30 years and more combined with how long my parents have lived here as well. Today as I always do I walked in with my dog. And as I was about to leave she told me dogs are not allowed in here, you should know better, I've told you this before. Never in my life has she said anything to me and I told her so. I was there just yesterday with my dog and she never said anything to me. Then she proceeded to say that the only way the dog should be able to come in as if he's a service dog. My dog is. He's wearing a blue raincoat, sorry you can't see his badge and his harness. Really stinks and you know what for a bakery that is merely a storefront it should not even be called a bakery they do not make anything on premises all of their bagels are delivered all of their boxed cookies are delivered everything is delivered they are merely a storefront to sell. Their coffee is horrible. She made me feel embarrassed in front of all my neighbors, and customers and when I told her she had never said it to me, not me, ever, she just didn't know what to say rolled her eyes and walked away then she disappeared for the rest of my visit. I'm so disappointed and so hurt by her behavior that you can guarantee I will not ever step a foot in there ever again.

  • Laurie Auguste

    Laurie Auguste


    I love red velvet, this place is the best. All baked good are fresh and made with love and you feel it in the atmosphere. Not about the money here and I love that.

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