Fresno 2 Gourmet Deli w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFresno 2 Gourmet Deli



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
31, Avenue C, 10009, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-253-1500
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7216549, Longitude: -73.9809494

komentarze 5

  • Swagg UpTop

    Swagg UpTop


    Food is good but if u order for delivery good luck! I ordered my breakfast like I usually do lately from this place and the prices are deff different from my previous order just yesterday or even their own menu! Its 4 dollars more. This is unfortunate because I was really starting to like this place. Untill after ordering only a small French vanilla coffee, a slice of cheese cake and a western omelet with cheese (switching out the home frys for French frys which the guy said I could) Now their menu says small FrenchV coffee is 1.50 cheese cake per slice is 3.95 and a western omelet platter w home frys n toast is 4.99. if u add all that up it equals to 10.44 now plz tell me why was my order $14.50 plus with no toast. I called to ask n then got different story's on why it was extra at the end of it all the guy said that the frys n toast don't come with the order when it did just yesterday and it says it does on the menu.. if u have a menu Infront of u please look at it .... am I lying ?

  • en

    Avital Kochetov


    I order from here often and the food is pretty good but the service is terrible. Nasty woman working at the register who is always rude, takes forever and hangs up on you. I ordered 2 sandwiches on grubhub for a delivery that is 2 blocks away at 11:40AM. The food arrived at 1:05PM and the order was wrong (they sent me a sandwich that was just chicken cutlet and onion on a roll...missing the pesto, mayo, tomato, and cheese). When I called the store to tell them, I explained the issue and asked for a new sandwich. She told me that a new delivery would take 45 minutes and when I said that my lunch break at work was over she hung up on me. When I called back, I heard her telling the boss that I cursed her out on the phone, which wasn’t true. After speaking to the boss, the correct order was delivered within 15 min, which is the only reason I gave 2 stars. They need to get that crazy woman out of there! Arguing with customers for mistakes she made! I’ve even seen her give and attitude and argue with the boss....

  • Ruwan J.

    Ruwan J.


    Fresno Gourmet Deli moved a couple of storefront down to this location, which was a pizza place that went under. it is now Fresno 2 Gourmet Deli. the deli counter sandwiches can be quite delish. if you custom make a sandwich, ask for the price before the anyone makes it. bc a sandwich one day might be $5 and you'll be like that's a steal. other times it'll be $7.75 and you'll be like i was robbed. lol ask first, so everyone is on the same page. you can get salads, sandwiches, grill items, etc. as well there are grocery and convenience store items as well as plenty of packaged eats from soft drinks to cookies. this place can service all of your hunger and basic refrigerator needs. the space itself is pretty large, bright, & relatively clean. morning and late night seem like the busiest times. they do offer delivery via Seamless. the reviews for delivery are absolutely terrible. my advice: walk there, order, and pickup. avoid the headaches. solid deli & convenience store for the neighborhood. nothing outstanding . nothing bad. drops mic cuz that's how i kaiser roll outta deli

  • Hanna B

    Hanna B


    Thy change the prices of their items based on what your wearing. $5 for a small tea and $8 for Ben and jerrys?? In my neighborhood?? Taking advantage of shoppers can only result in one time customers.

  • Max Summers

    Max Summers


    get the chicken cutlet with bacon and cheddar and bbq sauce, solid choice

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