Fresh Pond Physical Therapy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFresh Pond Physical Therapy



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68-05, Fresh Pond Road, 11385, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-456-2545
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7051851, Longitude: -73.8960317

komentarze 5

  • en

    Pat DeMattico


    Nights are terrible found only one therapist working taking care of more than 4 patients alone. This can prevent proper care of patient. Hire more therapists, or have some stay late for the evening patients.

  • julien lust

    julien lust


    Disaster from A to Z don t even know where to start: RUN , horrible front office service, kids don t give a F, the fake physical therapist didn t even notice i was developing a DVT and work on me , almost killed me, very very poor service.

  • en

    jackie robinson


    excellent service and all the therapist are so nice and serious.RABIA Q 👍👍💐

  • Maryan Loka

    Maryan Loka


    the worst dentist, office and front office. long waiting time, small room filled with a lot of patient. a very rude and cruel faces in the front office. you cannot imagine how they treat their patients. and you will go home with a horrible pain. meanwhile I never suffer from dental pain. I went there for only cleaning. and there started. but today I decided not to go back anymore, because also this is the third time I went over there and they said no appointment today for you . which I booked months ago and there is some called to confirm!!! HORRIBLE. make favor to yourself and don't go there.

  • Paul Isaac

    Paul Isaac


    Excellent dentist. But again it's always busy there. You be waiting for hours

najbliższy Fizjoterapeuta

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