Freelance Cafe & Wine Bar i Piermont

Forenede StaterFreelance Cafe & Wine Bar



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506, Piermont Avenue, 10968, Piermont, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-365-3250
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.0410035, Longitude: -73.9164245

kommentar 5

  • en

    Trent Bellew


    The food was excellent as was the service. The restaurant is quite small, maybe only able to seat 20-30 people in total. So it could be difficult to get a seat around weekend time. We went on a Tuesday evening and it was mostly empty. I would definitely recommend trying this place. The venison was spectacular, scallops cooked just right, even the cappuccino to end the evening was well done. Enjoyable all around.

  • Steven Soracco

    Steven Soracco


    I have dined here several times over the last three years. I have never been disappointed with anything I have eaten in this cozy place. Great place for a first date.

  • en

    Stephen Grover


    6 star service in a comfortable casual atmosphere. Food was outstanding with a lot of variety. Waiters were more than outstanding. Can't find enough superlatives for this dining experience. I plan on going again, and again.....desserts to die for

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    Anne Bell


    This is our very favorite restaurant. It is now under new management, but it is still wonderful. The food is always outstanding, and the staff, many of them who have been here for years, are welcoming and always attentive. The decor is simple, comfortable, and elegant, with good paintings by local artists on the walls, and it is quiet enough so that you can talk to each other. Many of us have been coming here for years.

  • en

    T Feldhammer


    Amazing cuisine, creative , surprising, top notch service

nærmeste Bar

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