Frassanito Jewelers w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneFrassanito Jewelers



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346, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-427-5498
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8704979, Longitude: -73.4259272

komentarze 5

  • en

    Heidi Yulico


    The best jewelry store around! From engagement rings to birthday gifts to mother’s day gifts to anniversary gifts; Rachel and the team at Frassanito are always able to find the perfect gift to celebrate the various milestones in a family’s life. For a girl who would never splurge on buying jewelry for herself-thanks to the help they have given my husband over the years, I have a fabulous jewelry collection!!

  • en

    Rosanna C


    I love shopping here! Rachel and the girls are always so helpful especially when I need to choose gifts.There is always something new to see. They have a wonderful selection.They are all extremely knowledgeable, professional and friendly as well! Their price range fits every budget whether you are looking for a simple gift or a very special piece. I love everything I have purchased there!!!!My friends and relatives who I have shopped for have all been very happy with their gifts as well!! I would recommend them highly !

  • en

    Tony Moschella


    Just such a pleasurable experience shopping for jewelry at Frassanito Jewelers. Excellent selection covering many price points. Professional, well-informed service that enhances the overall buying experience. Frassanito is a tastefully-appointed store that made it easy to target the perfect birthday gift for my wife. Will return to my new jewelry source.

  • en

    Dawn Allard


    I love love love Frassanito Jewelers! I went Saturday to have my tennis bracelet prongs checked and diamonds cleaned and walked out with a beautiful new Chanel bag!! Diane you know me way too well! I highly recommend them. They really spend time getting to know their Customers and make recommendations that are perfect. They know their industry and strive to bring the most beautiful and practical pieces to their store so their Customers have the best selection possible. They put their Customers first and take the time needed to make a difference for them. Stop in and say hello. You won't regret it!

  • en

    Robin Lauer


    I was on a quest to find a replacement wedding band for my husband, since the original had been unfortunately missing for months. It was time to return to Frassanito Jewelers, where I have visited many times, either to purchase new, elegantly styled jewelry, or to have expert repairs completed. I look forward to my visits to this family run business which has been in existence for many years, and where patrons are treated like family. I shared the particular requirements of the style ring that I knew my husband wanted, with Diane. She immediately presented me with a beautiful platinum wedding band with multiple diamonds. The ring was exquisite! Diane was able to make the purchase affordable thus allowing me to walk out with a ring that exceeded my expectations! I defiantly recommend this establishment to anyone looking for genuine help and guidance in purchasing exquisite jewelry. The quality of their work along with their excellent customer service makes for an ultimate experience.

najbliższy Jubiler

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