Francesco's Bakery w Hicksville

Stany ZjednoczoneFrancesco's Bakery



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640, South Broadway, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-931-6821
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Latitude: 40.7515528, Longitude: -73.5058977

komentarze 5

  • en

    Just To Say


    Went with my daughter and her fiance to order her wedding cake. Made an appointment and all went well. This is an eval of just the making of the aapt. and tasting. If will write a review on what we actually get after the wedding. So far so good.

  • ramssb3400



    Very good for most of the things that have. Certain items are not as good. But the majority of th items are very good. Long lines and that's to be expected. Small parking area.

  • en

    P S


    We ordered a cake for a party. Delicious, great cake. But when we went for the cake tasting, there was only one person to handle us, another party and people who were buying cakes/pastries. They need to add more staff. We had to wait over an hour to complete our order which could have been completed in 15 minutes.

  • en

    Melissa Engler


    My wife and I got married back on October 27, 2017 at Leonard's Palazzo. As part of our contract, we were told we had a cake included from Francesco's. Back in the Spring, we had gone for our cake tasting. We were able to try a variety of cakes and fillings. Of course, the ones that we loved the most (since they had the most flavor) were going to cost us extra money. These options were red velvet and carrot cake. We opted to pay extra for not only red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting but also extra to have them as cupcakes. We were also told that at that time if you want cupcakes you have to provide your own cupcake stand. Along with the cupcakes, we asked for a 1 Tier Cake, red velvet as well, with cascading leaves down the side(as our theme was fall frosted) in the colors of our wedding. Before we left that day, we paid the additional charge and all details were written down and confirmed. About 2 weeks prior to the wedding, Francesco's reached out to confirm our order details as well as asking for a monetary balance. We went over the details again (cupcakes, red velvet, the 1 tier cake with leaves in our color theme etc) as well as confirmed that we had already paid our balance. The situation was rectified and everything seemed to be on track. Then, 2 days before the wedding, Francesco's called again to confirm the details on the cake and specifically asked if we wanted leaves and not flowers on the cake. We confirmed for a 3rd time that we wanted leaves as this was the running theme of our wedding. Entering the reception room the evening of our wedding, the cupcakes looked absolutely stunning on the cupcake stands that we provided. However, we quickly realized that the cake tier did not have leaves on it like we had confirmed 3 separate times.....but had flowers! Of course no one noticed but us, but we were very upset as this was something that we had stressed time and time again. In the end cupcakes were very tasty and guests were happy to eat them. Overall, Francesco's does very well with their specialty flavors for their cakes, but their standard flavors are just average. When it comes to basic details, unfortunately for our wedding they missed the mark. We would recommend going over the details multiple times but we did that and still got flowers and not leaves. Better luck next time....?!

  • Digwijoy Mandal

    Digwijoy Mandal


    I took my marriage anniversary cake from here. The store was crowded but on my turn one of the shop attendants helped me in choosing the cake. Even though the shop was crowded due to the thanksgiving, yet the shopkeeper was very patient and helpful. I took a vanilla cake , when I shared the cake with my friends and other diners, they were all praise. The cake was very yummy. Apart from cakes, they also sell very good cookies and breads. I have become a big fan of this Italian store and will definitely check out this place during Christmas as they food quality is awesome and price is quite reasonable.

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