Foxi Nail w Mansfield

Stany ZjednoczoneFoxi Nail



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26, East Debbie Lane, 76063, Mansfield, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-453-3699
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.5937155, Longitude: -97.1408805

komentarze 5

  • en

    Quinnisha Parmes


    This was my 1st time there since my original place was packed. The pedicure was nice but the gentleman put the gel paint on very streaky and poorly. I needed the owner to fix 2 broken nails and i had her use the same gel as my pedi and she put on smoothly, so it had to be the tech. I have long nails and she put the acrylic on thick ,lumpy and weird shaped than the rest of my nails. It also feels dark and loomy in there, but i wont be returning.

  • Andrea Majewski

    Andrea Majewski


    Thank you for being so kind and understanding with us and our rambunctious children thank you for up staying patient and doing an amazing job on our nails

  • Margie Garza

    Margie Garza


    They do great work. Wait time can be long.

  • Manuella Zouku

    Manuella Zouku


    Andy is the BEST. I have gone to 4 nail salons in 2017 alone and Foxi nails is where I am staying at. Andy does my nails EXACTLY how I want them done. Lisa and I didn’t click when I first met her but I was being rude , realized it and apologized and now we are best friends !! She does my pedicure and Andy does my mani. Best nail techs ever !!

  • en

    Destiny Whitson


    Lisa and Andy are my favorite nail artists! They go above and beyond my expectations every time! I always love my nails to be exotic and unique and I've never left here not getting what I came in for! They work with me when I bring in a picture and I just love that they take their time with their clients. My nails always look amazing and Foxi Nails is why. I absolutely love the service I recieve in this salon, i'll never go anywhere else. Did i mention this salon is affordable as well.. Plus they can do all the latest/ trendy designs and the cost isn't crazy high! What are you waiting for go try them out! :)

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