Fort Lee Pediatric Dental Associates: Kasselian Michael DDS i Fort Lee

Forenede StaterFort Lee Pediatric Dental Associates: Kasselian Michael DDS



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2500 Lemoine Ave, 2nd Floor, Fort Lee, NJ 07024, США
kontakter telefon: +1 201-947-5437
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8650156, Longitude: -73.9608633

kommentar 5

  • en

    Meseka Hayes


    This office is amazing. Front desk staff always welcoming. Dental staff patient and kind. My 5 year old son enjoyed his experience. Thanks for making it a pleasure during his pain. Will continue to come and refer people. Office is also clean.

  • Valentina Sosa

    Valentina Sosa


    Dr.K is so great. I love this place. They make you feel so welcome and comfortable from the minute you arrive. The secretary is so friendly and polite. The assistants are great with daughter and he is terrific. He is so patient and explains and shows everything before he starts to do anything. He is the best pediatric dentist ever!

  • en

    Cong Chen


    The best pediatric dentist you can find! My daughter had to go for an emergency visit and I was thrilled how quick we could schedule it (with the super friendly staff) and how efficient and absolutely amazing the entire process was!

  • en

    Rebecca Zirman


    We have been going to Dr. Kasselian for years. He and his staff is always professional, and talk through any dental issues that needs to be addressed. The office is very kid-friendly and my kids have no 'fears' about going to the dentist.

  • en

    Angela DiFiore


    Dr. Mike is an amazing dentist!! He is personable, compassionate, patient, and very gentle! Dr. Mike is always up to date with new procedures and techniques. His state of the art office is kid friendly, and very clean!!! Dr. Mike's staff is fantastic! They are always smiling and comforting. My children absolutely love Dr. Mike, and his staff. I highly recommend this practice to others!!!

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