Fort Lee Health Center -Robert M. Monahan, DC i Fort Lee

Forenede StaterFort Lee Health Center -Robert M. Monahan, DC



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1067, Palisade Avenue, 07024, Fort Lee, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-886-8184
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Latitude: 40.833543, Longitude: -73.978843

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thomas Ellin


    I have been going to Dr. Bob ( that's the way I refer to him) for the last 25 yrs. I have never trusted anyone else other than him with my chronic back issues. He is thorough with his adjustments and very professional. On top of that , he is very friendly and courteous. I highly recommend him

  • en

    Carmine LoFaro


    Dr. Bob's clinical expertise and extraordinary bedside manner changed my life. I went from years as a hobbled person in virtually constant pain to a fully functioning individual with a new lease on life. I can't thank Dr Bob and his wonderful team enough. Simply the best!

  • en

    Omar Ventura


    I truly love this place. Dr. Bob knows what he is doing and talking about, when it comes to this stuff. He makes every session better than the last by having conversions and making you feel at home. The staff that works there as well are awesome!! I usually hate going to any kind of doctor but not when it comes to this place. As each session went by, my back felt better and better. I highly recommend this place to anybody, you'll be feeling brand new after!!!

  • Cindy Roper

    Cindy Roper


    This is my first experience with a chiropractor. For the usual reasons I never went. I blew my back out on a Saturday and was in terrible pain and couldn’t walk. My husband called his friend who said I have a guy. So Monday morning I meet Dr Bob. From the moment I walked in I felt comfortable, what a amazing staff. I can’t tell you strongly enough how wonderful my experience was. To me Dr Bob was life changing. I was moving better by Monday night. I also am participating with John leading the way acupuncture. Also by the way life changing. What a wonderful facility and every staff member is excellent. Thank you everyone

  • en

    Ricardo Valente


    I'd like to thank Dr. Bob, Dr. Lenny and the entire staff for treating me like royalty, for helping me go through one of the most difficult times of my life. Not only they helped me heal physically but also emotionally after being in a car accident. They always have a smile for me, and always so professional, knowledgeable and resourceful. Most people dread going to their chiro's office or to their physical therapist's office, I don't because I go to Fort Lee Health Center. So thank you so very much once again. I appreciate you and how you make me feel. Love you guys. God bless you.

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