Foer's Pharmacy i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFoer's Pharmacy



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818, 18th Street Northwest, 20006, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-775-4400
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Latitude: 38.9009517, Longitude: -77.0417915

kommentar 5

  • Melissa Williams

    Melissa Williams


    Excellent staff. They remember who I am. They help me manage refill authorizations with my doctor. They give me warnings of potential side effects--like what to do if you're a woman taking steroids and you're over 35". They can also deliver for a small fee. Highly recommended.

  • John Purdy

    John Purdy


    I've been regular customer for nearly 5 years now. They provide outstanding customer service. Very fast and always ready to answer questions or to provide guidance. They are very good about accepting coupons and/or working to provide best price available. Every pharmacy could learn something from them.

  • James Boyd

    James Boyd


    Best pharmacy ever. Unlike large chain pharmacies, they always have my medications, and if they don't they will order it for me. The staff are awesome. There is nothing bad i could say about this place. 5 Stars!

  • J. McCormick

    J. McCormick


    In early December, my cardiologist wrote me a prescription for support hose. The person worked with me measured me, but insisted that my doctor had given me the wrong prescription. She kept my prescription AND insurance card, left a voicemail with my doctor, and said she would call when it got straightened out. Almost a month later... No phone call. No prescription. And she claims she doesn't have my insurance card. Disorganized. Rude. The only time I'll be back is to take my prescription back.

  • Melani Hom

    Melani Hom


    Michael and Karen Foer have an amazing team! I have had prescriptions filled at 2 of their 4 locations where customer service was above and beyond accommodating and my refill turnaround time was much quicker than any other pharmacy I have used before. If you are in the DMV, Foer's is, without a doubt, your go-to pharmacy.

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