Flowers By Miss Bertha w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneFlowers By Miss Bertha



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2100, Nicollet Avenue, 55404, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 612-871-1542
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9617684, Longitude: -93.2783266

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sue Perpich


    Kim, owner of Miss Bertha is lovely and charming . She prepared my order with great attention to detail and loving care. The price is right and the atmosphere charming. I a hooked on Miss Bertha's floral and will be loyal forevermore...

  • Funtastic K9 Training

    Funtastic K9 Training


    I ordered the "You and Me" rose in a vase on Valentine's day. our order was supposed to be delivered the next day on February 15th, 2018. Unfortunately, we never received the flowers at our door so I called their shop and they refunded my card. Good customer service. 2 days later my neighbor knocks on my door and gives me the flower vase with the rose but the roses were dead for sitting out at the front door of the wrong person's home and the vase was shattered. Obviously, we threw everything out as it was not good anymore. Disappointed that my girlfriend's flowers didn't make it but we do understand that mistakes do happen so we have to rate them a 3. Thank you.

  • en

    Boss Lady


    I'm changing my review...I felt like my V Day flowers were less than perfect but it is winter in MN and I'm sure that they did their best. The chocolates were expired but I guess that can happen anywhere. The customer service is amazing. When I left my original review, Flowers by Miss Bertha responded immediately. They offered several fixes and all were excellent but I know they did their best and I appreciate that. Having owned a business myself, I know how hard it can be to make everybody happy. I'm just pleased that they were so willing to fix it. No complaints here!

  • Stephen King

    Stephen King


    I purchased the florists choice for flowers for my girlfriend on valentines day. I ordered them online about 3-4 days prior. I was very skeptical since I did not know what they would choose, I have never purchased flowers from them before and I have never send my girlfriend flowers to her place of work which has double secured entry. My doubts were quickly thrown away once I received a text from my girlfriend after lunch on valentines day. The flowers were stunning and every angle had a different arrangement of flowers. I couldn't have picked better flowers myself. She had the biggest smile on her face all day. Thank you Miss Bertha team for your help in making our 2018 Valentines days even more amazing!

  • en

    Bryan Coltrane


    Highly recommend the Florist's Choice Daily Deal. Fresh and Beautifully arranged. I ordered a few days in advance and had no issues. Delivered on the day requested to the correct address.

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