FLORALS - by Carson Robert Event Designs, Inc. w Port Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneFLORALS - by Carson Robert Event Designs, Inc.



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660, Port Washington Boulevard, 11050, Port Washington, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-801-6868
strona internetowej: www.roslynflowers.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8258031, Longitude: -73.6828848

komentarze 5

  • Sharon Stanley

    Sharon Stanley


    "Florals" is the perfect place to go for flowers and decorations for parties of any kind. The owners are creative, insightful and so very enthusiastic about making your party unique. There is no need to go to any other florist.

  • en

    K Bob


    The owner of the store went above and beyond in his floral arrangement. We had a death in the family and I live out of state. I ordered flowers online for our family members but the store was out of the flowers I ordered. The owner of the store put together a much more expensive arrangement than I had originally purchased and did not charge me anything extra. The flower arrangement brought tears to the family’s eyes! The prettiest arrangement ever! What an inspiring act of kindness!

  • Christina Lipinski

    Christina Lipinski


    He did an amazing job on my wedding. The colors and textures were so unique and elegant. He’s a genius!

  • en

    Jim K


    This place is great. Shaun is really nice. Called up to have roses delivered the same day without knowing what they would look like. Wife loved them. She sent a picture and they look amazing. Aces!

  • Yolanda W.

    Yolanda W.


    When looking for our wedding venue we saw some of Shaun's work at one of the venues we visited. I fell and love with the floral centerpiece arrangements and knew I needed to reach out to him for a consultation. After our first meeting with Shaun, we knew there was no need to look any further. He has an amazing personality and full of energy. You can tell early on that he is passionate and loves what he does. Every meeting with Shaun will be a good time. He understood our vision and budget. Never tried to make us break our budget, instead gave input on how we can achieve the vision. He created a beautiful sample centerpiece and we were sold. The centerpieces were even more amazing at our September 3rd wedding. As well as the other floral arrangements and surprise touches at our sweetheart table. The colors and flower choices were perfect!

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