Flirt Spa & Brow Bar i Manhasset

Forenede StaterFlirt Spa & Brow Bar



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1693, Northern Boulevard, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-472-0918
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Latitude: 40.794609, Longitude: -73.684327

kommentar 5

  • 23 And Savage AF

    23 And Savage AF


    Naya ruined my sisters micro blading experience ... please dont waste your time... i am going to try to persue legal action this just isnt right I would give 0 stars but no worse than this

  • MYA



    naya or nayara is rude she destroyed my face i am telling you NOW do not let her micro blade your eyebrows she is not an artist she is a fraud

  • en

    Tara B Meyer


    I've been having facials for years and this was one of the worst experiences I have ever had. The reception was rude, they never asked me if I was using rx lotions, I didn't have the procedure I wanted. They gave me a different facial and I left extremely angry and they refused to offer me any compensation or even an apology. I will never ever go back there.

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    Amanda Romano


    WOW This place s Amazing!! The staff was warm & welcoming, the place was clean & very nicely decorated! I went in for a mani/ped & I ended up getting a facial....SO happy I did it was relaxing & my skin felt very refreshed after!! Then I find out they do laser hair removal also so I met the technician Patricia who is VERY NICE, she also took the time to explain how the Laser Hair Removal works step by step! They also do makeup, eyebrows, lashes, & much more! I can't wait for next apt! I will definitely be telling my family & friends about Flirt Spa & Brow Bar!!!

  • en

    Violeta Chulpayev


    Obsessed with the laser results!!! I did 7 sessions on my underarms and the hair is completely gone. Started my legs and Brazilian much later and only did 3 sessions and the hair is so fine can hardly notice it. Also love the spray tan solution its organic doesn't smell or feel sticky and most importantly doesn't look orange. It really looks like an amazing natural Caribbean tan. Perfect for all year round glow. So blessed to have access to all these services and the amazing staff.

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