Flirt Hair Styles i New York

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9022, 4th Avenue, 11209, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-688-2237
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Latitude: 40.6193739, Longitude: -74.0297723

kommentar 5

  • Shqiponja Shqiponja

    Shqiponja Shqiponja


  • en

    Alena Bernardez


    Erika is the only one person I trust to do my hair! I’ve been coming to her for the past 5 years! Even after moving to Mineola, Long Island I still drive to her all the time to do my hair! She is the best hairstylist I’ve ever been to!

  • Emily Lin

    Emily Lin


    Erica, the owner and my stylist, is great! She has a lot of experience dyeing and styling hair. I was recommended to her by a close friend a few years ago and I’ve been coming to her ever since. I had ombré/balayage before but this was the first time I tried red. It looks fantastic and I get so many compliments about my hair color! She does have a lot of regulars so it does take awhile to get my hair done so make sure you make an appointment and know that you will be spending a few hours there if you are coloring your hair. Haircuts are quick and she does those clients while my hair is being bleached. If you want to check out her Instagram where she posts a lot of the work she has done, her handle is hair_by_erikam :)

  • Il Vel

    Il Vel


    Went for waxing services and eyebrow tinting last minute (without an appointment), because my regular place had just closed. The lady was very nice, had a great sense of humor and made me feel very comfortable, the waxing and tinting were done perfectly and the prices are really good. I am planning to go back here for any waxing services from now on and I am eager to also try the facials.

  • Cinthia Cochea

    Cinthia Cochea


    I went to this place to get a single hair color witch is black my hair it was brown I the roots and blond in the ends. I have to wait 10 minutes there because she wasn't there and I was like ok don't worry, I was chatting with another employee from there and she show me the chart of color I told he I want black. When the own came witch is the one who dye my hair ask me what color I want I told her black and then she ask me what color is your roots I told her brown I think but I want black and she was like ok no problem. She dye my hair and it look black 3 days later I wash my hair and when I dry it it look brown with red and so upset. I went yesterday to get a explanation and she was so inconsiderate she told me I dye your hair according to your roots and I get so upset and I told he I want it black I told you and then she said that "she show me the chart" I was like are you crazy your I ask to your employee for the chart when you can I told you I want it black and she told I put black and the ends of your hair I won't be black because is blond I was your stupid even if I have green black will cover it I dye my hair so many times before later she told we'll I fix it but I have to charge 30 dollar for products and I went ballistic and I told you have to be kidding me how come are you gonna charge me for something that you need to fix it's not my fault I told you I want black not brown and she was like I'm sorry but it is what it is 30 dollar So stupid really

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