Flirt Boutique i Saint Paul

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFlirt Boutique



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177, Snelling Avenue North, 55104, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 651-698-3692
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.946713, Longitude: -93.167141

kommentar 5

  • en

    Angel Chandler


    Flirt is a magical experience. They have the most beautiful lingerie and the customer service is above and beyond. This is definitely one of my favorite shops in the twin cities!

  • en

    Sarah Hunter


    Hands down my favorite lingerie store ever. A beautiful and thought fully curated collection. Really lovely, interesting, unique pieces. The staff is friendly and very knowledgeable about their products/brands. For out of state folks (me these days), the store will ship purchases, and is of the greatest assistance with any over the phone/email/instagram questions regarding fit and sizing. There’s always options for smaller sized bras, which I usually have trouble finding elsewhere.

  • Allison Suhan

    Allison Suhan


    Awesome selection! Friendly staff! They are great at carrying beautiful options for all sizes!

  • David Lee

    David Lee


    This is one of the most beautiful boutiques I have ever entered! Shopping should always be an experience and this place gives you that.

  • en

    Bridget Donovan


    Staff was so nice and professional. Would visit again.

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