Flips For Fun i Keller

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11695, Alta Vista Road, 76244, Keller, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-741-3867
internet side: www.flipsforfun.com
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Latitude: 32.9443017, Longitude: -97.2834685

kommentar 5

  • Scarlett J

    Scarlett J


  • en

    Sosila CB


    We love Coach Amy and her staff!! My daughter started tumbling for the first time just last year and she has exceeded so much! The coaches are so patient and great with kids! We highly recommend Flips for Fun!

  • en

    julie holder


    Love this gym. Keller business owned by a wonderful lady. Not a corporate chain. Owner and staff care about the kids.

  • en

    Carrie Manning


    My girls love Flips for Fun. Coach Amy is awesome, and they have learned so much. We also enjoyed having a local, laid-back atmosphere where they can have fun and be comfortable learning. The office staff is also super great at communicating.

  • Edward Collier

    Edward Collier


    Great place for learning gymnastics. Daughter absolutely loves it.

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