Five Spot Soul Food w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFive Spot Soul Food



🕗 godziny otwarcia

459, Myrtle Avenue, 11205, Kings County, New York, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 718-852-0202
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6934761, Longitude: -73.9670929

komentarze 5

  • Tee Allen

    Tee Allen


    Was there for a #showcase the bartender George sang happy birthday to me. They have great deserts.

  • en

    Monique Foye


    drinks were good, didn't have food but the people I went there with said the food was ok. The place was to hood and ratched for me, everyone was smoking weed and the ambiance was horrible. The DJ was poppin tho. The crowd was not my cup of tea at all. Me and my husband tried to dance and enjoy ourselves although we'd rather have left but the whole time we tried to enjoy ourselves the clouds of smoke was choking us and the young men were looking like they were plotting....SO WE LEFT WITH OUR PARTY.

  • richard Lewis

    richard Lewis


    I enjoyed myself beer can wait to go back thanks again to the bartender took really good care of me

  • en

    Crystal White


    I had a good time They had to cut the lights out (cause I still wanted to Party) lol Thank you Five spot for a Great time

  • Jackie Levy

    Jackie Levy


    *******DO NOT ORDER******* Most unprofessional customer service I have ever encountered ordering in Brooklyn. Ordered at 8:22pm, it is now 10:14pm and order has not arrived... Upon contacting restaurant, I (female) was treated with abrupt and poor customer service, and basically demanded that I accept their lateness because the delivery man was on bike. However, when my husband called, they were much nicer and apologized to him for the lateness. We read this as extremely sexist. Either way, our food never arrived because the delivery man went to wrong street almost two hours after we even ordered! Unacceptable! And to boot, when Seamless called them, they refused to accept fault and would not grant us a refund. Now we are forced to call our credit card company and dispute the charge.

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