First National Bank i Gambrills

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFirst National Bank



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2379, Brandermill Boulevard, 21054, Gambrills, Anne Arundel County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 410-721-3444
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.0310457, Longitude: -76.6856587

kommentar 5

  • Destiny Murdock

    Destiny Murdock


    HORRIBLE HORRIBLE customer service. I do not recommend this bank to anyone, I went there because I lost my card, they gave me a temporary card, which was only supposed to be valid for 30 days. I never NEVER got my debit card in the mail, I went to the branch and they told me they couldn't deliver it to me... I then had to order a new card but this time to the branch I was told it would take 5-10 business. It's been OVER A MONTH AND I STILL HAVEN'T RECEIVED MY DEBIT CARD. Please save yourself the time and trouble with this bank the ratings never lie this bank and the people at this bank are terrible.

  • Teresa Sciuto

    Teresa Sciuto


    Customer service was amazing!! Bill Stengel was so helpful and went above and beyond to help me, so happy with my experience here.

  • binyameen gill

    binyameen gill


    Lady here Krishna Swann. She even don't how take care of customers. I been there this bank so many time other bank employee so nice.that lady?🤐

  • Tomide Osuntokun

    Tomide Osuntokun


    Best bank I have ever used. Best for small business. Best for the individual. They raised a team for me to help me business needs. Advised me on the best options for separating business and personal revenue and expenditure. Pursued a line of credit for me at a very low interest. What's not to like about Nothing. Covid response was fantastic. They saved me from buying an overpriced property for business. I closed my business accounts in other banks and moved over to them. I have been one very happy customer! And I am not paid for this review. If you are a minority, looking for a bank to support your business, go to FNB. They will take care of you. And if you ever go to the Crofton branch, ask for Rose.

  • Fatema Haque

    Fatema Haque


    Their customer service is really bad. I went to their bank today there was 3 employees there. None of them knew what to do. We wanted to open a safe deposit box. They told us they have thousands of keys the lockers which is a lie. I have doubts that bank likes that size have thousands if lockers. Employee told us we should have made appointment because they are so much paperwork to do which was another lie. Before we went in the bank my husband called them asked them about opening lockers and he told them soon he is coming to the bank. I had lockers with same bank before. After seeing how they treat their customers me and my husband left.

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