First Dental w Somerville

Stany ZjednoczoneFirst Dental



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622, Somerville Avenue, 02143, Somerville, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-623-8489
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Latitude: 42.3836033, Longitude: -71.1101486

komentarze 5

  • Kimberly Richards

    Kimberly Richards


    I have had a terrible experience, they overbooked so left me with unfinished root canal, the main receptionist was very rude, they also made my crowns oversized so they cut the top of my partial which was great for the 1st 5 years but once they cut it, it started moving around and the front tooth on it snapped, the front two crowns have already fell out after 1 month and the main receptionist has been very rude and unhelpful. I would never recommend any one use this dentist.

  • Kayla Cameron

    Kayla Cameron


    Today was my first visit of a few that I have in the future in regards to my teeth, but my experience was amazing just walking in. I was greeted so nicely, I was told I looked beautiful today even though I didn’t feel like it. I’m unsure which doctor I seen, but he was super nice and transparent about my teeth and the work that would have to be done. His assistant/hygienist was so sweet too and did amazing with my cleaning. I’ve never been excited to go to a dentist, I’ve always feared them, but I can’t wait for them to give me my new smile! I’m glad I chose them!

  • Nicola Cuoco

    Nicola Cuoco


    The front desk is super rude, and they weren’t transparent about insurance and costs upfront. I asked at least 3 times for pricing before agreeing to do fillings, and then received a huge bill and they told me my insurance didn’t actually cover it. They should’ve told me to check with insurance before and not pretended it was all free for me. I found them to be predatory, also suggesting extra fillings which my new dentist said are not at all necessary. The dentist himself was nice, but I wouldn’t recommend this dental office at all.

  • Chanele Gordon

    Chanele Gordon


    Loved my experience here the dentist was really nice and nonjudgmental. He gave me a clear plan on how to go forward with my dental work needed so happy I came

  • Anne Moniz Karalus

    Anne Moniz Karalus


    I called First Dental for a cleaning and checkup. When I arrived I was warmly greeted by Rita at the front desk. I was taken promptly for my cleaning. The hygienist was both professional and friendly. My teeth were in terrible shape yet the hygienist was non judge mental and after my cleaning I was introduced to Dr Hovannes (sp?). I told him I didn’t want a lecture or to feel embarrassed and or ashamed of the condition of my teeth. He told me that the only lecture I would get was a discussion of what needed to be done, how many visits were needed and how he could give me a smile I could be proud of. This was the first time I haven’t felt embarrassed or ashamed. It took many visits and a lot of work, but my fear of the dentist is completely gone and I absolutely LOVE my new smile! I literally cried when I saw the results of his hard work done with ZERO pain. My dental work took place over the summer and I thought I wrote this months ago. I saw that somehow it didn’t post. I’m no computer expert, but I do know that First Dental changed my life! I no longer hide my smile. As a matter of fact I wear lipstick that brings out my smile! I can’t say enough about First Dental. Dr Hovannes and his assistant were amazing and I highly recommend anyone looking for a new dentist to try First Dental. I’m forever grateful!

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