First Call Medical Center Gambrills w Gambrills

Stany ZjednoczoneFirst Call Medical Center Gambrills



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1071, Maryland 3, 21054, Gambrills, Anne Arundel County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 410-694-7999
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0255941, Longitude: -76.6889427

komentarze 5

  • S. A. J.

    S. A. J.


    This was a very pleasant experience we had going to this clinic. I'm sorry we didn't go to this place first before going to a nearby clinic beforehand. At the other clinic, we waited 40 minutes and still had 3 parties ahead of us that still needed to be seen. We decided to leave at that point and go to First Call instead and were seen within 20 minutes, after having a new patient profile filled out and made for us. The receptionsit, nurse, radiology tech and physician were all very pleasant, knowledgeable and took their time with us. They all made our experience so much better. The waiting room itself was nice with easy listening music playing, water, and temperature wise it was cooler. The first place we went to was quiet, hot and had an thriller/action movie playing that wasn't appropriate for my kids to hear or see. So happy we made the decision to leave and come to First Call. Thank you for the pleasant experience.

  • Shar D

    Shar D


    The front office staff was friendly and fast. The wait time was less than 10 minutes after submitting my paperwork. The physicians were personable, friendly and thorough. I received my Covid and flu test results via email in 20 minutes. Overall a great experience.

  • Kourtney Hollingsworth

    Kourtney Hollingsworth


    Do NOT recommend any person to come to this facility. The "providers" are not concerned with the best treatment of the patients. They are more concerned with reviews. They did not take my temperature and did not check me for strep. I felt worse after seeing them and taking medicines they prescribed. They do not take the time to treat each patient separately. They give you an over all general medicine that does not address your particular issue. Just to be honest, it seems there is a preference of people they want to serve. I had to go to another urgent care. I tested positive for strep throat. So. FIRST CALL was treating me for something I did not have and they did not follow proper procedures to make a diagnosis. I will never return to this center.

  • Douglas Hunt

    Douglas Hunt


    Had to come here for Covid testing. The wait time was 5 minutes if that before being seen after doing paperwork. The nurse staff was amazing! They were very courteous and professional. I truly felt they cared about me and not just as a patient! I would highly recommend!

  • Diana Needle

    Diana Needle


    My husband and I went to go get a COVID testing this Saturday, February 26. First, the location is very easy to find with easy access. We got there 20 minutes before 8:00 (the time they open) and there was nobody there waiting, so we were the first! There was a person who gave me the paper to complete prior to the actual opening time and about 8:00 they called us for the test! After 10 minutes, Dr. Steve (extremely nice) came in was very professional. We were asked to wait in our car in the front and within 20 minutes, he walked to our car and brought the results. Negative 😀. Extremely easy! Great experience!

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